Journal of Advances in Education Research
Introduction of Teaching Associates in Maxillofacial Surgery – the Renaissance of a Teaching Method
Download PDF (422.9 KB) PP. 127 - 136 Pub. Date: August 1, 2018
- Sebastian Herbert Hoefer
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Jan Mrosek
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Jonas Lorenz
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Jonas Lorenz
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Bernd Bender
Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Marius Theis
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Jasmina Sterz
Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Christina Stefanescu
Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Miriam Ruesseler
Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany - Robert Sader
Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial, and Facial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany
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