Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Students' Perception of Extracurricular Activities: a Case Study

Download PDF (364.2 KB) PP. 137 - 147 Pub. Date: August 1, 2018

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2018.33002


  • Anna Han
    Department of Education, Daegu Catholic University, Gyeongsan, Korea
  • Kyungbin Kwon*
    Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.


The study introduces a case study of a system managing the extracurricular activities (ECA) of students at the university level. A survey asking how students perceived the ECA system was administered and 2591 students participated. Results revealed that 1) 85% of the students were aware of the ECA system and showed moderate attitudes towards the system; 2) students perceiving the ECA system as helpful and easy to use expressed that activities discovered through the ECA system were beneficial to their curriculum learning and participation in ECA, and, in turn, to their career development and college life overall.


Extracurricular activities; co-curricular activities; higher education


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